Kritiker från Piteå NAT

Domare: Zafran Sirik 

Juniorklass hanar
Farmarens Belive In Me f. 170311 E. FI UCH Tailwind Papaw Place Your Bet U. SE VCH LV CH C.I.B RLDN FI V-11 NORD UCH SE UCH Farmarens Made In Sweden. Uppf Ulrica Olsson, Charlotte Sandberg, Gävle. Ägare Sara Åström, Byske. Strong young dog. Needs more ring training. Masculine. Strong head. Good front, topline, hindquarters. Nice coat. Moves well when he wants to.
EX KK 1 

Unghundsklass hanar
Nallebjörnen’s Xciting Lad f. 170215 E. SE UCH NO UCH RLD N RLD F Lärkängen’s Everything for you
U. Moonpack’s Stingray. Uppf o ägare Katrin & Tommy Danielsson, Lycksele.
Good size. Nice masculine head. Excellent topline. Good hind angulation. Good set-up tail. Correct
coat. Moves well, a bit close behind.

Championklass hanar
SE UCH NO UCH RLD N RLD F Lärkängen’s Everything For You f. 150508 E.C.I.B SE UCH DK UCH NO
UCH NORD V-11 Alistair’s Jolly Good fellow U. SE UCH NO UCH SE V-13 Lärkängen’s Always Amazing.
Uppf Anne-Marie & Jenny Öhqvist, Edsvalla. Ägare Sara Andersson, Öjebyn.
Good size. Nice headtype. Good proportions. Good topline, hind quarters. Rich long coat. A bit loose
in front in movement but otherwise a sound mover.
EK KK 1 

C.I.B FI V-17 NORD UCH SE JV-13 Cormist Crazy For You f. 130116 E. Alistair’s Kaiser Chief U. Geliland
Musical Breeze At Cormist. Uppf. Wheland & Young Storbritannien. Ägare Elisabeth Åström, Umeå.
Very masculine dog with impressive masculine head type. Good proportions. Excellent topline. Good
hind quarters. Excellent coat. Moves sound. A bit close in front and behind.
EX KK 2 

NO UCH Alistair’s Written In The Star f. 140108 E. C.I.B SE UCH NO UCH Beastly’s Tweed Kettle U. SE
UCH Alistair’s One Look You’re Hooked. Uppf. Nina Lönner-Andersson & Johan Andersson, Hammarö.
Ägare Alf-Inge Johnsen, Norge. Very masculine dog. Happy temperament. Correct head in proportions. Good front. Excellent topline. Good hind angulation. Moves sound. Correct coat.
EX KK 3 

Juniorklass tikar
Cool Heart’s Bisous Pour Tol f. 170508 E. C.I.B CH CH LU CH BE CH FR CH Ikar de Chester U. SE UCH
NO UCH FI UCH Cool Heart’s A Kind Of Magic. Uppf o ägare Veronica Erlingsson, Hörnefors.
Very balanced young bitch. Beautiful, strong head, yet feminine. Excellent front and topline. Good
hind quarters. Nice coat. Moves very sound.
EX KK 1 

Cool Heart’s Beyond Breathless f. 170508 E. C.I.B CH CH LU CH BE CH FR CH Ikar de Chester U. SE
UCH NO UCH FI UCH Cool Heart’s A Kind Of Magic. Uppf Veronica Erlingsson, Hörnefors. Ägare Linda
Widmark, Håknäs. Feminine. In good size. Correct head. Expression. Good front. Good hind quarters. Moves well. A bit close behind. Rich colour and coat.
EX KK 2 

Hairdog’s Black Ester Ewe f. 170413 E. SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH Alistair’s You’ll Never Walk Alone U.
Humblebee’s Magic-Miley. Uppf Ann-Cathrine Jämthagen, Tina Berglund, Årsunda. Ägare Ewa
Isaksson, Gina Strömbäck, Malmberget. Feminine, a little bit narrow young bitch. Sweet head, fits into her size. Moderate front. Good topline and hind quarters. Nice rich coat. Moves well otherwise.

Unghundsklass tikar
Nallebjörnen’s X-Tilde af Winston f. 170215 E. SE UCH NO UCH RLD N RLD F Lärkängen’s Everything
For You U. Moonpack’s Stingray. Uppf o ägare Katrin & Tommy Danielsson, Lycksele. Small, feminine young bitch with balanced head to body. Moderate front and movement. Good topline and hind quarters. Narrow in chest. Moves quite well otherwise.
EX KK 1 

Öppenklass tikar
Heather Mist Hot Honey Rag f. 160304 e. BY CH RU CH INT UCH EUW-14 WW-15 Ops I Did It Again
Delcuoreimpavido u. LT CH SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH C.I.B WW-14 Alistair’s Pretty Posh. Uppf Marie
Långsved, Sandviken. Ägare Sara Andersson, Öjebyn. Very balanced, nice feminine head. Nice siluett. Excellent front, topline, hind quarters. Correct coat. Very sound mover. Well shown
EX KK 1 

Memorylane She Sells Seashells f. 150512 E. GB CH CA CH Sengalas Frankly Classical U. LT CH BY CH
SE & NO UCH C.I.B FI UCH SE V-14 Sandauri Let’s Go Go Go. Uppfödare Nina Bursin, Finland. Ägare
Elisabeth Åström, Umeå. Good size. Feminine, nice head. Good topline. A bit heavy in loin. Excellent hind angulation. Good texture, nice coat. A bit dancing in front movement.
EX KK 2 

Farmarens Zweet Bisquit f. 160428 E. SE VCH LT CH C.I.B SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH Farmarens Lambeth
Walk U. Farmarens Nonesuch. Uppf Ulrica Olsson, Charlotte Sandberg, Gävle. Ägare Katrin & Tommy
Danielsson, Lycksele Good size. Very playful bitch. Feminine. Nice head. Good front and topline. Good hind quarters. Correct coat. Moves well when she wants to. Needs better ring manners.
EX KK 3 

Championklass tikar
C.I.B FI UCH NO UCH SE UCH RLD N RLD F Clic’s Angel Of Love f.120112 E. NORD V-07 WW-10 SE V-10
NO V-10 C.I.B NORD UCH Heathermist This Is My Life U. SE UCH NO UCH Funbeeco’s Glamorous. Uppf
& ägare Sara Andersson, Öjebyn Good size. Feminin. A sound mover. Nice, feminine head. Good front, topline and hind quarters. Nice, rich coat. Moves very sound. A bit dancing in front.

FI UCH NO UCH SE UCH Cool Heart’s A Kind Of Magic f. 140324 E. NORD V-10 C.I.B FI UCH NORD UCH 
NO V-13 SE V-15 Goonie’s Highlander Lad U. C.I.B SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH FI UCH Glenspey Kiss Of Llife. Uppf o ägare Veronica Erlingsson, Hörnefors. Strong and a bit masculine head type. Borderline bite. Good front, topline. A bit heavy in loin. Very long coat. Moves well, a bit heavy.

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Klubbens officiella adress

Specialklubben för bearded collie
c/o Sara Andersson
Färjtorpsvägen 10
433 33 Öjebyn
Tel: 0709-46 68 62


Specialklubben för Bearded Collie
c/o Margareta Toftevall
Östra Långgatan 10
434 41 Kungsbacka
Tel: 0732 603845


Bankgiro: 5221-6488
IBAN: SE1380000810596935329521