Tvååker NAT 2019-07-19
Domare: Rob Douma
Tik valpklass 6-9 mån
Lovely youngster corr size & length of body. feminin head corr eye, like bit stronger under jaw, well placed ears, good neck, level topline, corr tailset & carriage, well anguated, good bone & feet, lovely youngster coat, moves with drive & great attitude. Bästa valp. 1 HP
Alistair’s Fortune Cookie SE59215/2018 Lovely puppy bitch corr size & length of body, feminin head, corr eyecolour & bite, good neck, need more time to settle in topline, corr croup tailset & angulation behind needs more in front, oval feet good bone, youngster coat, on the move she needs more front to settle well presented. 2
Hanar juniorklass
Alistair’s Dressed To Impress SE22117/2018 Exc type, corr size & length of body, masculin head, square scull, strong muzzle, scissor bite corr eyecolour, croup & tailset well angulated, good bone oval feet, lovely coat, moves with drive & great attityd well presented. EXC KK 1 CK CERT
Awniescot’s Rockery Master SE42633/2018 12 months, corr size & length of body, masculin head, square scull corr muzzle & underjaw, enough neck, shoulder placement could be better, level topline correct tailset & angulation, good bone oval feet, needs more chest develop moves settle in front well presented. EXC KK 3
Beastly’s Mr Jj SE47706/2018 11 months, corr size, but still needs more time to mature allover masculin head, square scull scissor bite, needs more underjaw just enough neck & needs better shoulder placement level topline corr croup & tailset, well angulated behind needs more in front needs more chest, corr bone & feet on the move ? drive behind needs improve in front. Needs more ring?. VG KK 4
Lärkängen’s Heart Of Gold SE41650/2018 Youngest male, corr size & length of body, masculin ead, bite almost 100%, corr eye color, well placed ears, good neck, ? , level topline, corr croup & tailset & angles behind, needs more in front, good bone & feet, nice coat Moves with drive but needs time to settle in front, well presented. EXC KK 2
Hanar unghundsklass
Nobility Freesy Iceshimmer VDH/Bccd1821 19 months corr size, corr length of body, masculin head, square scull,typical expression, like to se stronger underjaw scissor bite good length of neck, level topline corr croup & tailset, well ang. behind needs more in front, wish slightly more in cest, corr bone Strong feet, lovely coat, on the move he has drive behind but wish more in front action well presented. EXC KK 1 H-ökl
Alistair’s Agent Provocateur SE43886/2016 3 yrs corr size & length of body masculine head, almost square suit, corr eyecolor, like stronger underjaw, good neck, level topline scissor bite, corr croup, tailser & rear angulation needs more in front lovely coat texture, corr bone & feet moves with drive, well presented. EXC KK 2 CK
Alistair’s Casino Royale SE40369/2017 2 yrs Very typy male, corr size & length of body, lovely expression head, corr muzzle & underjaw, good neck, wethers, level topline, correct tailset & carriage, angulation in balance, moves with drive, lovely quality coat, well presented. EXC KK 1 CK KK 2
Heartbreaker El’ Bridorado SE12599/2017 2yrs male on bigger size, corr length of body but needs more chest development & longer ribcage masculin head, square scull, corr eyecolor, scissor bite, enough underjaw, just enough neck, level topline, good angles behind, needs more in front, bones OK, nice coat on the move he shows drive behind but needs more balance in front & topline, he needs time. VG KK 4
Moonpack’s Trans Am SE19788/2013 6yrs, corr size & length of body masculine head square scull corr eyecolor, scissor bite, needs more underjaw just enough neck, good shoulder placement, needs more strong topline stacked on the move, corr croup & angulation behind, needs more in front, good bone, corr coat texture on the move he is corr behind needs more stability in front, lovely temperament, VG
HaqnarVancouver Vom Grimmenstein VDHZBRHBEC25910 4 yrs corr size & length of body well proportioned, masculine head typical expression, corr bite good neck, level topline, corr tailset & angulation behind/ enough in front, good bone oval feet, lovely coat texture moves with drive, I wish slightly more stability in front & topline too proud of his tail becuse of typ exc. EXC KK 3 H-ckl
Hanar championklass
Alistair’s Teach Me Tiger SE30945/2013 6 yrs , lovely ch male, corr size & length of body, masculine well proportioned head good muzzle typical expression good neck, level topline corr croup, tailsett & angles behind, I wish slightly more in front lovely coat texture, corr bones & feet moves with drive & enough stability well presented. EXC KK 2 CK BHKL 3
Heather Mist Express Yourself SE21552/2016 3 yrs, lovely type, masculine head square scull corr muzzle, strong underjaw, corr expression, well placed ears, good neck, corr topline, croup/tailset and angulation, good bone, strong feet, lovely coat texture, moves with drive very well presented. EXC KK 1 CK BHKL 1 BIM
Heather Mist Hakuna Matata SE20310/2016 3 yrs, very lovely type, corr size and length of body, masculine head, corr square scull, masculin expression, good ear placement level topline, corr croup & tailset good neck good angles moves with drive , well presented, good bone & feet exc coat, EXC KK 3 CK BHKL 4
Hanar veteranklass,
Nickelbys Umber Knight SE66410/2010 8 yrs, corr size & length of body, masculin head, square sull, corr strength of muzzle scissor bite, good neck, level topline, corr croup, tailset & rear angulation, needs more in front, Good bone & feet, nice coat texture, on the move he is corr behind but I wish more stability in front & topline Well presented. EXC KK 1 BIM veteran.
Tikar juniorklass
Awniescot’s Royal Design SE42636/2018, 12 months, corr size & length of body, lovely feminin head typical expression, corr scull & bite, good neck, withers level topline, corr angles all around lovely coat texture, moves with drive & great attitude well presented. EXC KK 2 CK
Beardmarked’s Hot Suited SE53248/2018 10 months, corr size -6 length of body well prop, feminin head, typical expression, level topline, correct neck. Corr croup tailset & carriage well angulated behind, good bone & feet, lovely coat texture, moves with drive & great attitude well presented. EXC KK 1 CK BTKL 3 R-CERT
Beastly’s Pickleback SE47708/2018 Corr size & length of body, feminin head, corr eye strong muzzle, scissor bite, good neck level topline, corr croup & tailset and angulation behind, enough in front, good bone & feet lovely coat texture on the move she’s corr behind but needs to settle in front. EXC KK 4
Beastly’s Rusty Nail SE47710/2018 A real youngster who needs a bit more confidence, very nice feminin head corr bite, well placed ears good neck, withers I wish a bit more stability in topline stacked & in movement, corr croup & angles & angles behind, needs a bit more in front & chest develop, corr bone real youngster cat on the move she needs a bit more experience. VG
Farmarens Caledonian Delight SE33149/2018 16 months, corr size & length of body, feminin head, square scull corr eye color, scissor bite, placed ears, good neck, level topline, corr croup & tailset, well angulated behind, wish more in front good bone & feet lovely youngster coat on the move She is correct behind, wish more stability in front well presented. EXC KK 3
Hairdog’s My Beautiful Blue Girl SE24606/2018 16 months, corr size & length of body real feminin, feminin head corr expression, scissor bite, square scull good neck, corr topline, tailset & croup, well angulated behind needs more in front, correct bone and feet, lovely coat, moves with drive, but I like more stability in front, well presented. EXC
Tikar unghundsklass
Alistair’s Déja Vu SE22123/2018 16 months, lovely type, corr size & length of body lovely feminin head, square scull typical expression & bite corr tailset, topline croup well angulated, good bone, strong feet, lovely coat texture moves with drive & exc attitude well presented. EXC KK 1 CK BTKL 1 CERT BIR
Beardmarked’s Little Fab Fool SE30002/2018 15 months, corr size & length of body lovely expressive feminin head square scull, exc muzzle, correct expression, good neck, level topline Corr croup / tailset & carriage corr angulated behind needs slightly more in front, well presented moves with drive & enough stability good bone & feet. EXC KK 2 CK
Tikar öppenklass
Alistair’s Better Than Chocolate SE26448/2017 2 yrs, lovely type, corr size % length of body expressive head, well balanced corr bite, good neck, well bodied corr angulated ground, good bone & feet, lovely coat, moves with drive & great attitude well presented. EXC KK 1 CK BTKL 4
Alistair’s Black Orchid SE26447/2017 2 yrs, corr size & body proportions feminin head, square scull, corr bite, good neck, withers, level topline corr croup & angles behind enough in front, good bone, strong feet lovely coat texture, moves with drive & great attitude, well presented. EXC KK 2 CK
Beardmarked’s Just Push Play SE50757/2014 An bigger size, Slightly longer than high, feminin head, square scull, corr muzzle expression. Corr neck, almost level topline corr croup & tailset and angles behind, I like to see more in front good bone, strong feet, nice coat on the move correct behind with just enough stability in front & topline. EXC
Beastly’s Burning Love SE33824/2016 4 yrs, corr size & length of body feminin head, almost square scull corr bite, good neck, like to see more stability in topine stacked & on the move, corr croup, tailset & angles behind, needs more in front good bone & feet, nice coat texture on the move she is corr behind but like more stability in froont well presented. VG
Beastly’s Kiltlifter SE33825/2015 3,5 yrs, medium size & strong bitch, feminin head square scull corr muzzle & bite & length of neck, level topline, corr croup & tailset and angles behind, needs more in front including more forechest bones is OK, corr feet, lovely coat texture on the move she is corr behind but like to see more stability in front & topline well presented. VG
Beastly’s Raging Fortune SE16784/2016 3 yrs correct size & length of body feminin well proportion head, corr muzzle & scissor bite corr eyecolor corr neck, withers, level topline & croup/tailset, well angulated, good bone & feet, lovely coat texture moves with drive & great attitude well presented. EXC
Beastly’s Raspberry Fizz SE27954/2013 Corr size & length of body feminin head, almost enough square in scull, corr eye color & bite good neck, level topline, corr croup & angles behind, needs more in front, corr bone & feet, lovely coat texture but I would like more daylight under, corr movement behind, needs more stability in front well presented. EXC
Heather Mist Having S Blast SE20313/2016 3 yrs, corr size & length of body lovely expressive head, dark eye corr muzzle, good bite, corr neck almost level topline, corr croup tailset and angles behind, needs more in front, corr bone & feet good coat texture but like more daylight, moves well behind but like more stability in front well presented. EXC KK 4
Lärkängen’s Gettin Jiggy Wit It SE33106/2017 2 yrs, correct size & body length feminin head, square scull correct eyecolor, correct bite good neck & shoulder, level topline corr croup & tailset, well angulated behind enough in front, corr bone strong feet, lovely coat texture moves with drive & correct attitude well presented. EXC KK 3 CK
Mac Baffi’s Tam Ò Shanter SE52114/2011 Medium size, corr length of body feminin, well proportion head corr bite, good neck, almost level topline, corr croup & tailset well angulted behind, needs more in front, corr coat texture, enough daylight, good bone & corr feet in movement like more stability in front & topline well presented. EXC
Tikar championklass
Alistair’s You Only Live Once SE34848/2015 Lovely champion, corr size and body length, feminin head, scull square enough dark eye, corr bite good neck & withers level topline corr croup & tailset, corr angles behind, enough in front, good bone & feet, lovely coat just enough daylight on the move correct behind but like more stability in front, well presented. EXC KK 2 CK
Alistair’s Zweet Sensation SE42713/2018 3 yrs very lovely bitch, feminin real typy head, corr scull corr bite & typical expression good neck, withers & topline corr croup tailset and angulation goog bone & feet, lovely coat texture, moves very easy well presented, great attitude in the ring. EXC KK 1 CK BTKL 2
Potterdale Rhyme Or Reason SE44077/2016 4 yrs, lovely champion, corr size & length of body, feminin head brodd scull, corr muzzle and bite, good neck withers, level topline, corr tailset well angulated behind just enough in front, good bone strong feet, lovely coat texture show just daylight on the move she is correct behind but wont more stability in front, well presented. EXC KK 3 CK
Tikar veteranklass
Alistair’s One Look You´Re Hooked SE16368/2011 Very lovely type correct size & body proportions, square scull typical expression, corr bite corr neck, good bone & feet lovely coat, she moves with great attitude & in balance a bitch to be proud of. EXC KK 1 CK Bästa veteran
Vallklanens Lady Kinross SE42313/2010 9 yrs old, correct size & length of body, feminin head, typical expression, corr bite, well placed ears, just enough neck, level topline, corr croup & tailset corr angles behind, just enough in front, good bone & feet corr coat moves with drive but want more stability in front well presented. EXC KK 2
Uppfödakl Alistair’s Deltagande hundar: A’s Casino Royal, A’s Better Than Chocolate, A’s Zweet Sensation, A’s One Look You´Re Hooked Very lovely type Beardies corr type & body proportions lovely heads & expressions in General easy and efficient movements be proud of your typey breeding. H HP
Klubbens officiella adress
Specialklubben för bearded collie
c/o Sara Andersson
Färjtorpsvägen 10
433 33 Öjebyn
Tel: 0709-46 68 62
Specialklubben för Bearded Collie
c/o Margareta Toftevall
Östra Långgatan 10
434 41 Kungsbacka
Tel: 0300-198 90
Bankgiro: 5221-6488
IBAN: SE1380000810596935329521